Membership engagement strategy and Marketing for Trade Associations

There once was a time, long, long ago...

When companies in your industry needed the network which your association created.

That time is gone.

Your trade and affiliate members have options for collaboration, information exchange and networking that you can’t rival.

But, you’re still an ongoing entity with fixed overhead and an anchor: loyal membership.  So, like every industrial B2B trade association, you’re wrestling with how to reestablish relevance and preeminence as the authoritative resource for your industry - and drive membership growth.

That demands a mind-bending shift of perspective - and an approach built on marketing, thought leadership and engagement across the community.  It means taking a hard look at who’s your ‘customer’ - and most associations will realize it’s really no longer their members - but rather their members’ customers.

Once you’re clear on who benefits and what value each group receives, you’ve got to build enough value in the orbit of your industry that members, customers and associates all clamor for more.

We understand your challenge, we understand the perspectives of your members and their customers, and we understand the strategies and tools to reposition you as the hub between them based on the value you drive today….not just loyalty.