Busting Complex Sales Myths - Webinar

admin | Mar 30, 2022 5:11:01 PM

Boost Sales, Improve Forecasting, and Incent Sales CRM Data Hygiene

Ipswich, MA

March 30, 2022

Consilium Global Business Advisors announced today that they will present a live webinar on Tuesday, April 26th at 11:30am EDT. Ed Marsh will bust two crippling complex sales myths. There's rarely a decision-maker in today's complex deals, and it's a cop-out to say that deals simply die with no decision.

Industrial sales teams face a market environment of complex buying journeys, rapidly expanding buying teams, and management inclined to defer to consensus decisions. That means that a sales process and opportunity qualification guidelines predicated on identifying a decision-maker are often flawed. Today in many cases a team of 10 or more reach (or fail to) consensus decisions to proceed. In many cases, any individual can torpedo a deal, and all must agree to proceed. The senior member - often a manager with check writing authority - provides guidance and then submits to the group decision.

Often there is no individual decision-maker, rather there's a committee decision function.

That is complicated further by the fact that teams have been trained to think of "the" decision - the ultimate step of selecting a winning vendor from among several. That's simplistic. Marsh will present details on the five decisions that are part of almost every project - at least three of which most sales teams simply ignore.

"These myths have an original basis in fact," says Ed Marsh, a strategy, manufacturing marketing, and industrial sales consultant that works with senior managers of middle-market manufacturers to help grow top-line revenue. "Industrial sales used to be much less complex. Today, however, companies often compromise their teams by persisting with a vocabulary and sales process that are vestiges of a sales world that's no longer realistic. It's time to embrace today's reality."

Today's capital equipment and industrial sales teams need to map the entire buying team and understand which players will participate in each of the five decision steps along the way. It's not easy. It's not simple. But it's reality.

It's time to face up to the changes, debunk these myths, and understand that industrial sales and manufacturing marketing plays that will help teams win in this complex environment. This webinar is a great first step in the journey.

The 30-minute webinar is free to attend and it will be broadcast at 11:30am EDT on Tuesday, April 26th. Seats are limited and registration is available here.

About Consilium Global Business Advisors: Consilium assists American manufacturers in applying process excellence to their business development. In other words, we help lean, well-managed companies with rock-solid bottom lines effectively and consistently grow their top lines to match. We work primarily with mid-size industrial manufacturing and capital equipment companies, guiding them through a journey toward Overall Revenue Effectiveness™.