revenue growth framework for industrial manufacturers

Solving For How Industrial Companies WILL Sell

Most industrial manufacturers face similar challenges today:

  • it's harder to generate qualified leads
  • more projects end in no-decision
  • pipelines and forecasting are tough
  • small "m" marketing has turned into an endless list of apps and tactics without results that tie to revenue
  • small "s" sales is is a wrestling match between what's worked in the past and countless theories on what's needed going forward -

So you probably have this gnawing in your gut. It's not that anything's bad. You've been successful for years. But it doesn't feel quite right.

  • you might sense a mismatch between what your team is good at doing, vs. what you hear and read buyers want.
  • but you can't just willy nilly try every idea. You'll lose support in the company and you've tried some that haven't panned out as expected.

This retreat will help you take a step back to understand the market and buyer changes at play. Then we'll engineer the integrated machine of product roadmap, digital marketing, and updated sales to help you and your team find and win more deals.

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Why Is This Event Different?

How / Why Will it Help Your Team Drive Better Results?

We've all been to conferences. Planes, hotels, Ubers - and three energizing days packed full of exciting ideas...all translate into an email overhang, pages of notes, and a quick reversion to what's familiar.

You've probably looked back, thought of how impactful previous events were, and wondered why so little changed.

I'm designing this experience to avoid that. Better yet, I'm designing it to help you and your team execute on the important and relevant principles you'll learn. Here are five important reasons:

1. Commitment - Before, During, After

First, you're going to commit to it. We're going to accomplish that together with a combination of modest advance work, focused post session collaboration, and a cutting edge collaborative "knowledge graph" that we'll all contribute to and which will become your evolving operators manual. We'll cram a three day event into four productive months.

2. Learn From Peers

Second, unlike trade association events we'll draw companies with similar challenges and markets, but from different industries for an exchange of ideas that will enrich your own takeaways.

3. Attend As a Team

Third, you'll attend as a group of three - WITH your top marketing and top sales lieutenants. The three of you will challenge each other and your status quo real time. You'll get resistance out on the table as you work through issues so you can resolve conflicts productively and proactively - and all return to the office with an aligned vision and action plan.

4. Start With Buyers

Fourth, we're going to put everything in the context of your buyers. So while changing what you do may seem like too much work, you'll realize that ignoring your buyers is business insanity - so you'll have stronger motivation to follow through.

5. Practical & Actionable

Fifth, these approaches work and we're going to tie the theoretical to the practical the whole way through. The three of you will return to the office with a framework to guide your efforts and a clear set of priorities to work through.

Meeting Agenda

The most important takeaway from the event will be the framework that you'll build. And that framework is structured around a couple of key principles:

  • EVERYTHING must focus on buyers
  • Every marketing and sales step has to be integrated with every other step
  • Technology is a force multiplier

So our agenda is designed to create the right mindset, cover those topics collaboratively and in order, and then to maximize implementation.

23 June 21 Manufacturing Growth Summit Agenda

During the two months prior to the event we're going to do some light prep work that will help to create common understandings and receptive mindset when we convene. This includes :

  • Individually - Objective Management Group sales screening and Herman Whole Brain style screening
  • Company - One-hour zoom meeting to discuss the screenings, understand the company, meet the people and learn about the market
  • Group -
    • A coordinated reading of two books (Keenan's Gap Selling and Sheridan's They Ask You Answer)
    • Three one-hour group zoom meetings
    • Access to the Event "Knowledge Graph" for focused note taking and thought

Our goal will be to convene with mutual familiarity, introspection, and disciplined thinking.

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Most participants will travel on Wednesday morning. We'll use our first afternoon together to create the context of ideas and market conditions that will drive our framework creation.

We'll finish the day with cocktails, networking and a group dinner.

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Our full day together will focus on building the framework, based on complex buying behaviors, to tailor sales model, culture, marketing approaches, and technology to meet the challenges.

We'll conclude with more networking and group dinner.

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During our final day together we'll emphasize implementation - adapting the framework to your specific company circumstances.

We'll conclude with some time to codify reflections, action items and takeaways during company huddles and individual time for reflection. This is a step that's often skipped as folks race to the airport, but is critical to success. Our event Knowledge Graph will be particularly helpful.

Some participants may elect to remain in Nashville to experience the vibrant culture for the weekend, while others will return home on Friday afternoon.

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Of course nothing changes (or improves) unless you follow through with your team when you return to the office. 

While we may have a couple of focused webinars with guest presenters on specific topics, at least we will meet twice as company teams and a couple times as a group to ensure that the implementation begins....and continues!

About the Organizer

Meet Ed Marsh


Ed works with lower middle market industrial manufacturers and capital equipment companies. He helps them adapt strategy and revenue growth approaches to meet changing buyer expectations and to leverage new technology.

Additionally, Ed is:

  • Independent Corporate Director (NACD Board Fellow)
  • Former Army Airborne Infantry Officer
  • Graduate of Johns Hopkins University


"Ed and his team not only deliver advice that drives tangible marketing and revenue results, but his strategic advisory and industrial sales savvy are an incredibly valuable by-product of the work we’ve done. He ‘gets it’ and he makes it happen. I strongly recommend Ed’s expertise and advisory model to industrial companies that want to drive more results with their marketing and sales teams." John, CEO, $50MM capital equipment company



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Who Should Attend

Company Profile

Middle-Market Industrial Manufacturers with Complex Sales Process

Company Team

President/GM/CEO with Senior Sales and Senior Marketing Leaders (team of 3)


This retreat won't fix broken. It will help successful, vibrant, thoughtful companies update their market strategy and revenue growth processes to drive improvement and further success.


Because of the confidential nature of the event and discussions, we won't allow competitive companies to participate

Tech Friendly

Many of the methods we'll explore will involve technology - both in your market offerings and in your marketing and sales approaches

Willing to Change

This experience will challenge some of what you've traditionally held to be sacrosanct. Don't attend to reassure yourself that your current approach is correct.

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Where & When

Nashville, TN
8-10 December 2021

I'm holding the summit in centrally located Nashville. We'll meet at Liscomb University's Contemporary Downtown SPARK Idea center.

Registrants will receive information on nearby hotels offering negotiated rates for participants, and we'll share a couple of meals as a group at some of Nashville's wonderful and renowned restaurants.
Maybe you'll even decide to stick around for the weekend to enjoy all that Nashville has to offer!

The in-person event will be held from mid-day on December 8 through early afternoon on the 10th.

  • I'll share a schedule of pre and post-event zoom meetings with registered participants.
  • Prep work, to be completed from your home office, will occur in October and November and will include:
    • one hour zoom meeting with each company team
    • one hour zoom meeting every two weeks with the entire group
    • access to and training on our Roam Research group knowledge graph
    • group reading of several important books (including notes and reflections in the knowledge graph)
    • two diagnostic screenings that each person will take
  • Post event work, to be complete from your home office, will include:
    • ongoing access to the group knowledge graph
    • two one hour zoom meetings with each company team -one in January 2022 and one in Feb
    • two one hour group zoom meetings - one each in January and February

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Ed Will Deliver For Your Team Too

As an engineer and CEO who's built sales channel and sold B2B, I can say with confidence that Ed gets it. He understands how B2B companies need to incorporate digital as a foundation for domestic and global revenue growth. With Ed, clients get strategic vision, tactical excellence and business savvy in a rare, single package. If you're a B2B manufacturing company that wants to grow, you've got to talk to Ed.

- Pete C.

Ed was a terrific keynote speaker for our annual convention. He's got the credibility of someone who's actually run companies - not just written books about it. Attendees gave him excellent reviews for his presentation style and his ability to make the strategy and tactics of both complex digital marketing and global expansion topics easy to understand. As an event organizer, I'd say 'Schedule him for your event!' You and your attendees will be happy you did.

- Kaity R.

We've invited Ed to speak twice, and to moderate an expert panel. His deep technical expertise, international experience and perspective as a capital equipment company owner himself infuses his engaging presentation with a compelling call-to-action.

- Jorge I

Ed understands the sales process better than most folks I know – and I know a lot after a career of sales talent development.  His strategic vision and tactical execution are both very strong.

- Dave K.

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Clear & Measurable Return

We expect that your investment in your team's participation at the Summit will return at least 5X in 2023. That return could come in incremental additional sales, and/or improvements in efficiency of your revenue growth process.

Pricing is as follows:

Early Bird Pricing - for applications received through 8/31/21

  • $7,500 total, for the three-person team
  • $15,000 for single attendee from a company

Regular Pricing - for applications received through 9/1-12/1/21

  • $10,000 total, for the three-person team
  • $15,000 for single attendee from a company

What's Included:

  • All preparatory materials including books and screening fees
  • Access to Roam Research Summit Knowledge Graph
  • Meals - dinner on 8th & 9th, breakfast on 9th & 10th, lunch on 9th, as well as snacks and refreshments during the event
  • Parking if necessary - you must notify us prior to 11/15
  • Post-event follow up
Terms & Conditions
  • Each participant must comply with SPARK facility rules
  • All discussions, notes, and knowledge graph material will be confidential to attendees only
  • Each participant from a company consents to sharing their screening results with their two company colleagues
  • All participants agree to refrain from soliciting for hire or hiring any employee of another participating firm for one year
  • Participants agree that Consilium Global Business Advisors can use photos, videos and event comments for marketing purposes, and grant Consilium a release/waiver
  • Payment Terms:
    • $3,500 non-refundable deposit due with registration
    • Balance is due October 8th
  • Refunds:
    • In the unlikely event that the organizer cancels, all monies paid will be applicable to a future, a comparable event
    • If a participant cancels prior to November 8th, they will receive a refund of monies paid (not including non-refundable registration deposit.) No refunds will be issued for cancellations after November 8th.
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have to bring my sales and marketing leaders?

I get it. You might wonder if they're part of the problem. And they may be, just as some of your long-held ideas may be as well. In order for this to work - for you to return to the office and actually make the changes - you need them on board. So participating together will create that commitment or let you conclude collaboratively that there needs to be a change.

What if I don't have time for the prep work?

Then this may not be a good fit. We're not talking about a lot, and it's far less than the work you'll have in implementing the framework and handling the change management. So it's probably better to know that in advance, and to let another company use the spot.

Here's what's expected in the two months prior to the event:

  • OMG screening - 1 hour
  • HWB screening - 1 hour
  • read two business books
  • one company meeting - one hour
  • three group meetings - one hour each
  • start to work in the group Knowledge Graph (the easiest way to do this will be to capture your reading notes there) - about 2-3 hours of familiarization

Total (assuming about 6 hours to read and notate a book) - 20 hours or about 3/week

What will we take away?
  • connections with like minded business leaders from similar companies
  • an actionable framework that pulls together all the tactics, techniques and methodologies
  • lessons learned from rapid growth companies
  • a framework of management metrics
  • understanding of staffing and sales models
  • aligned sales and marketing in a unified revenue growth function
  • buyer focus
  • technology savvy
  • confidence and inspiration

Guest Speakers (to be announced)

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