Trista Morrison on Strategic Communications

Ed Marsh | May 21, 2024


Strategic Communications as a Forcing Function for Strategy

Trista-Morrison-strategic-communicationsWhat's the role of communications?

Is it a marketing function? Shareholder and investor relations topic? Catalyst for strategy? Key to talent acquisition and retention? 

Yes, yes, yes, and yes.....on down the line.

That's what I learned from Trista Morrison, and so much more.

I went into our conversation with certain assumptions and preconceptions, but I also had the sense that I was going to learn so much. And I learned even more.

Trista shared her career path—biologist and journalist, consultant, agency employee, in-house communications, C-Suite exec, and independent director. She pulled the threads of communications throughout our discussion journey together.

Plus, we talked dogs, reading, parenthood, and Trista's various non-profit and volunteer passions, including her work as a Merit Badge Counselor for Scouting America.

Listen in as Trista offers a masterclass in how strategy and tactics relate, the role of an effective independent director, the critical role of stories in business success, and how communications weaves throughout every facet of business.


Connect with Trista to discuss her expertise as an independent director and strategic communications authority.

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The Role of Strategic Communications in Strategy, Marketing, Talent Management, Community Relations and more - Trista Morrison on Industrial Growth Insitute Episode 10


Show Transcript

Episode Recap


Trista Morrison, a seasoned bio-pharmaceutical executive, started her career as a biologist and journalist. In this episode she discusses the intersection of communications and strategy in the industrial growth context.

Trista emphasizes the importance of understanding the company's vision, mission, and strategy in order to effectively communicate with various audiences. She explores the concept of story making, which involves aligning communications with the company's strategy and purpose and highlights the significance of the 'so what' factor in storytelling.

The conversation also touches on:

  • Trista's perspective as an independent director
  • the need to convey the impact and value of products or services
  • role of communications in internal engagement and the importance of prioritizing different audiences based on business needs
  • content creation requires discipline and the ability to overcome writer's block
  • positioning company leaders as industry experts requires understanding the target audience and finding ways to fit into their interests
  • differentiating strategy and execution, and communications should support corporate goals
  • a dedicated communications function depends on the size and needs of the company
  • role of consultants and agencies can provide strategic guidance and execution support
  • impact of AI on communications will vary depending on the industry and its sensitivities
  • crafting communications to attract and retain talent involves understanding the target audience and reaching them through the appropriate channels.


  • Communications is a forcing function for strategy, as it prompts companies to define their approach and philosophy on various topics.
  • Story making is an important aspect of communications, as it involves aligning communications with the company's strategy and purpose.
  • The 'so what' factor is crucial in storytelling, as it helps convey the impact and value of products or services.
  • Communications plays a vital role in internal engagement, ensuring that employees have the information they need to make decisions aligned with the company's vision and strategy.
  • Prioritizing different audiences based on business needs is essential, as it allows companies to effectively communicate with the right stakeholders at the right time. Communications should always be respectful and considerate of the audience
  • Overcoming writer's block requires discipline and setting a timer to get started
  • Positioning company leaders as industry experts requires understanding the target audience and finding ways to fit into their interests
  • Strategy and execution should be clearly differentiated, and communications should support corporate goals
  • The need for a dedicated communications function depends on the size and needs of the company
  • Consultants and agencies can provide strategic guidance and execution support
  • Crafting communications to attract and retain talent involves understanding the target audience and reaching them through the appropriate channels.
  • Transparency and authenticity are key in communicating the company's story and values to potential employees.
  • Resources for learning about communications include organizations like PRSA and NRI, as well as seminars and courses.
  • Communications is a critical function in setting and achieving corporate goals.


00:00 Introduction and Overview
09:05 Communications as a Forcing Function for Strategy
25:55 The Importance of Storytelling in Industrial Growth
28:09 Internal Engagement: Communicating the Company's Vision
30:29 Prioritizing Audiences for Effective Communication
33:04 Respectful Communications
35:04 Content Creation Strategies
36:28 Positioning as Industry Experts
45:15 Differentiating Strategy and Execution
49:26 Communications Supporting Corporate Goals
01:02:19 The Impact of AI on Communications
01:03:40 Crafting Communications to Attract and Retain Talent
01:08:00 Resources for Learning about Communications
01:10:20 The Reputational Risk of Unethical Decisions in Business Communications
01:12:10 Building Authentic Relationships with Customers
01:17:25 The Critical Role of Communications in Setting and Achieving Corporate Goals

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