Cece Kintner on Industrial RevOps and Marketing

Ed Marsh | Aug 6, 2024

Weaving Marketing Support into Sales Execution via Industrial RevOps - Cece Kintner on Revenue Operations for Industrial Manufacturers


12 years in capital equipment marketing and sales, ten years in event marketing and management, and two years in tech - Cece's career path has covered disciplines (marketing and sales) and industries (industrial, events, and technology.)

Through that she's lived the evolution of B2B buying, from pre-internet to fully digital. That gives her a ring-side seat to how the role of industrial sales and manufacturing marketing have changed. And recently, the rise of revenue operations (RevOps) and the related SalesOps and MarketingOps.

Cece has experience from printing cut sheets for packaging machinery, through organizing events and building a tech stack and sales enablement for virtual services.

She shares important perspectives on the role of industrial RevOps, how marketing and sales should collaborate, effectively using CRM and other sales technology, and how buyers buy.

Connect with Cece for more practical RevOps insights.

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Revenue Operations Defined and in Context for Manufacturers - Cece Kintner on Industrial Growth Insitute Episode 21


Show Transcript

Episode Recap



Cece Kintner, Director of Marketing and Sales Operations at TekStreaming, shares her insights on industrial marketing and sales, trade shows and events, and the evolution of buyer behaviors. 

Cece emphasizes the importance of understanding the changing role of buyers, the need for sales and marketing alignment, and the value of sales enablement. She also discusses:

  • the impact of technology on marketing and sales
  • importance of understanding buyer personasrole of CRM in the sales process
  • challenges and strategies of aligning marketing and sales in the industrial sector
  • need for sales reps to trust and utilize the tools and resources provided by marketing. 

Cece also explores the impact of the internet on channel sales and the role of social media in the industrial industry, and the value of user groups and communities in building relationships and sharing experiences. 

The conversation concludes with Cece sharing insights on the role of AI in marketing and industrial sales, the importance of experimentation and testing, and the need for continuous learning and adaptation in the ever-changing digital landscape.


  • Buyers now do extensive research before engaging with a company
  • Salespeople play a crucial role in building relationships with buyers and partners, and their success depends on having the right tools and support from marketing.
  • B2B buyers have higher expectations for refined experiences, similar to B2C experiences, so companies need to adapt and provide personalized and valuable interactions.
  • Marketing and sales operations (revenue operations (RevOps)), are essential for aligning marketing and sales teams and providing the tools and processes needed for success.
  • Understanding buyer personas and tailoring messages to different stakeholders within a buying team is crucial
  • Events and trade shows are still important
  • CRM use is not optional
  • Sales reps should trust and utilize the tools and resources provided by marketing to enhance their selling process.
  • The internet has transformed channel sales
  • User groups and communities play a vital role in building relationships
  • AI can be a valuable tool for generating ideas and refining marketing strategies, but human creativity and judgment are still essential.
  • Experimentation, testing, and continuous learning are key to staying ahead in the digital landscape of marketing and sales.

Takeaway Quotes from Cece Kintner

  • "Buyers don't come to me or to my team to ask all of their questions any longer. Before we even know who they are or that they have interest in our product, they have done research."
  • "Salespeople are relationship builders to start. Number one, they have a duty to build a relationship with their buyers and with their partner sales managers."


00:00 Introduction and Background of Cece Kintner
04:40 Understanding the Evolution of Buyer Behaviors in Industrial Marketing
07:05 The Importance of Sales and Marketing Alignment in Industrial Sales
20:49 The Value of Understanding Buyer Personas in Industrial Marketing
25:39 The Role of CRM in the Sales Process
47:10 The Impact of the Internet on Channel Sales
49:40 The Importance of Social Media in the Industrial Industry
52:41 The Value of User Groups and Communities
56:06 The Role of AI in Marketing and Sales
01:04:46 Effective Prospecting Strategies
01:06:43 Partnerships in the Industrial Sector
01:10:06 Experimentation and Continuous Learning in the Digital Landscape
01:15:00 Bridging the Gap Between Sales and Marketing
01:19:26 The Risk of Speeding Past Opportunities

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Engineered manufacturing revenue growth with the Overall Revenue Effectiveness™ Framework

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