Douglas Burdett on the Buyer Research Foundations of Marketing

Ed Marsh | Sep 10, 2024

The Closest Thing to Secret Sauce in Manufacturing Marketing is Understanding Prospects Through Buyer Research

Douglas Burdett of the Marketing Book Podcast on the importance of proper buyer research for successful industrial marketing

It started out simply enough. Douglas Burdett was a "mad man" cum inbound marketer with a thirst for learning.

So he started reading marketing and sales books.

And then he started chatting with authors.

And that quest for knowledge and podcasting hobby morphed into one of the most popular podcasts on the internet.

The Marketing Book Podcast just wrapped up with Episode 503, and along the way Douglas has had hundreds of insightful conversations. 

We chatted about how this VMI grad and former Army Officer came to understand the critical importance of buyer research including buyer personas, buying journeys, buying teams and more - and how that research is critical to effective manufacturing marketing.

Listen in for Douglas' thoughts, his specific takeaways from many of his books and interviews, and his engaging way of sharing the insights.

Connect with Douglas for insights into buyer research and more, from reading hundreds of marketing and sales books, and interviewing the authors.

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Insights from Interviewing Hundreds of Marketing and Sales Book Authors - Douglas Burdett on Industrial Growth Insitute Episode 26


Show Transcript

Episode Recap


great qualitative buyer research and an understanding of buyer personas, buying teams, and buyers journeys are critical to successful manufacturing marketing

Douglas Burdett, host of the Marketing Book Podcast, shares insights on cutting through opinions and finding the right path to predictable revenue growth.

He emphasizes the importance of understanding customers and solving their problems, rather than focusing solely on advertising. Burdett recommends books like 'Bullseye Marketing', 'Lean Marketing' by Alan Dib, 'Smart Marketing for Engineers' by Rebecca Geier, 'Content Marketing Engineered' by Wendy Covey, 'They Ask You Answer' by Marcus Sheridan, 'Humanizing B2B' by Paul Cash, and 'Buyer Personas' by Adele Revella as essential reads for B2B industrial business owners.

In this conversation, Douglas Burdett discusses the power of understanding your customer and the importance of sales and marketing alignment. He explores:

  • the value of creating buyer personas through qualitative research and customer interviews
  • his preference for reading hardcover books and the process he uses to take notes
  • insights on the use of AI in marketing and cautions against outsourcing the entire marketing function
  • focusing on practical resources such as podcasts, YouTube channels, and blogs
  • the importance of innovation and marketing in business.


  • Cut through opinions and focus on understanding customers and solving their problems.
  • Avoid starting with product features and instead focus on understanding customer stresses and friction.
  • Understanding your customer is crucial for effective marketing.
  • Sales and marketing alignment is essential for business success.
  • Creating buyer personas through qualitative research and customer interviews can provide valuable insights.
  • AI can be a powerful tool in marketing, but it should be used strategically and with clear direction.
  • Focus on practical resources such as podcasts, YouTube channels, and blogs for ongoing learning and professional development.
  • Innovation and marketing are key drivers of business growth and profitability.

Takeaway Quotes from Douglas Burdett

  • "Marketing is primarily about understanding your customers and how you run your company."
  • "Help customers overcome the fear of making a decision and guide them through the buying journey."
  • "The closest thing to [the secret sauce] is understanding your customer."
  • "Most people would prefer to have a salesperson free experience."


00:00 Introduction to Douglas Burdett and the Marketing Book Podcast
07:35The Difference Between Advertising and Marketing
15:09 The Biggest Misconception About Marketing for Mid-Sized Businesses
19:27 The Importance of Sales and Marketing Alignment
27:01 Douglas Burdett's Journey into Podcasting
32:05 Essential Books for B2B Industrial Business Owners
43:13 Understanding Your Customer
48:31 Reading Hardcover Books and Taking Notes
51:38 Dissonance between Audio Format and Reading Hardcover Books
56:37 The Value of Interviews and Recommendations
58:30 Practical Topics and Listeners' Preferences
01:03:57 The Importance of Sales and Marketing Alignment
01:09:25 Listening to Podcasts at Normal Speed
01:14:27 AI in Marketing and Practical Use Cases
01:19:03 The Hype and Reality of AI

Looking for Additional Resources on Industrial Marketing and Sales?

Learn more about The JOLT Effect here.

Wondering how buyer research, personas, buyers journey mapping and other manufacturing marketing techniques fit into a revenue growth system? Check out the Overall Revenue Effectiveness™ Framework for strategic growth.