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Don't Simply Accept that Machinery Sales will Falter During a Recession. Take Four Steps to Prepare Now and Grow Sales!

Does Your Team Take Orders? Or Sell?

For the past 6-8 years must machinery sales teams have received orders. Sure, they might have done a bit of competitive positioning, and they had to provide quotes and manage projects. But, businesses have been investing in capital equipment. Particularly for the last 18 months.

🚨🚨In a recession that will change. There will be inquiries, but many fewer approved projects at the vendor comparison stage. There will be spending holds and risk aversion.

That's going to take an entirely different set of lead generation, project creation and sales skills. That might mean some different people. It will certainly mean different tactics. And it probably means additional technology.

If you wait until the industrial downturn is painfully obvious, you'll be in a jam. πŸ“‰ The time to prepare is now while you still have orders on the books.

The good news is that there are four specific things you can do to prepare your company now for success selling capital equipment during a recession.

This webinar will lay them out with actionable suggestions. Watch it now! πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰

Strategy, Marketing, Sales, and Technology

In this 40-minute webinar I'll cover lots of ground to help prepare for success in machinery sales in a recession including:

  • the important strategy work you need to do now so that your marketing and sales are properly focused
  • preparing your sales team with sales training specific to recession conditions
  • optimizing your sales team in number, expense, and role
  • building a recruiting machine so you pick up great talent others lose
  • the pivots you should make in industrial marketing now
  • how OREβ„’ ties all this together
  • technology to put in place to make your team more efficient and effective

🚨Watch it On Demand Now!🚨 πŸ‘‰

Take Steps Now While Order Books are Still Full

The good news is that the crisis is a ways off. While we don't know how severe it will be, the confluence of inflation, global unrest, supply constraints, crashing demand, unwinding housing bubble and political tension means that it will probably be bad.

Once it starts, it will likely accelerate quickly. So companies that maintain the status quo will be caught short.

But you've got time now, while orders are still on the books, to take important preemptive steps before cash tightens and the urge grows to just hibernate.

This webinar will lay out the roadmap you need to prepare for machinery sales growth while your competitors suffer.

40+ Minutes To Actually Grow During the Downturn

It won't be all rainbows and unicorns πŸ¦„πŸŒˆ, but a recession doesn't have to mean a precipitous drop in sales.

Yes, there is some hard work to do immediately, and possibly some hard decisions to be made regarding the sales and marketing team resources and capabilities.

The four critical steps that we'll cover can all be well underway within 60-90 days with sincere management commitment and attention.

When the recession comes you and your company will be on the balls of your feet!

 Just complete the form here to watch it on demand now. πŸ‘‰


About Ed Marsh

Ed Marsh Headshot

Ed Marsh is the founder of Consilium. He works with industrial manufacturers to help them improve revenue growth through improved sales performance, digital marketing, and business strategy. He's written frequently about the challenges and importance of sales CRM and marketing automation systems for capital equipment manufacturers.
