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Like OEE for Your Operations - ORE™ Engineers Your Revenue Growth for Productivity, Availability and Quality!

Process Engineering for Marketing & Sales Effectiveness

The early 80s saw American manufacturing in crisis. That crisis was overcome largely through the work and insights of W. Edward Deming. Known as the inventor of many modern manufacturing best practices, Deming helped manufacturers change the way they thought about and managed production. Consistent quality and enduring excellence resulted.

You've almost certainly applied some of Deming's original concepts and derivative methods. Total Quality Management, Kaizan, PDSA, continuous improvement, and management by KPIs are probably active in your company.


Experience tells me you've avoided taking an analogous approach to your top-line revenue growth; strategy, marketing, and sales.

Sure, you've adopted some sales processes and tracked some lead metrics and pipeline, but let's be honest.

If you're like most companies you haven't begun to apply anywhere near the same rigor and accountability to the top-line revenue growth functions as you have to operations and finance.

Let's change that!

That's what ORE (Overall Revenue Effectiveness™) is all about!

In this 40-minute webinar I'll cover lots of ground including:

  • expanding and illustrating the OEE & ORE analogy so you see exactly how it fits your business
  • the core elements of ORE - Strategy, Marketing & Sales and how they're inherently interrelated
  • implementing ORE in a typical industrial business
  • how ORE helps you meet buyer and stakeholder expectations
  • tips for applying ORE in each of the core areas
  • the double-edged sword of testing and experimentation
  • the appeal, and the risk, of a linear approach

🚨Watch Now on demand!🚨 👉

More Important in a Slow Market

You might be saying "Right now sales are pretty strong."

That's good. That buys you time to understand how to apply ORE so that sales and margins remain predictable even when the economy slows!

40+ Minutes To Grow Faster and More Profitably

We can't promise rainbows and unicorns 🦄🌈, but we can promise some eye-opening statistics, food for thought, and practical, actionable best practice recommendations.

Your manufacturing is above average. Your sales team, marketing, and strategy should be too. 

It took best practices, vision, and dilligent effort to develop world-class manufacturing. Ed can help streamline doing so with your marketing and sales.

In this webinar, Ed will take you through the framework of ORE that can help you to improve your revenue growth and top-line functions with the same process engineering approach as your manufacturing.

 Just complete the simple form on the right to watch the recording now, on-demand. 👉


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About Ed Marsh

Ed Marsh Headshot

Ed Marsh is the founder of Consilium. He works with industrial manufacturers to help them improve revenue growth through improved sales performance, digital marketing, and business strategy. He's written frequently about the challenges and importance of sales CRM and marketing automation systems for capital equipment manufacturers.