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Business Drives Manufacturing Digitalization....not technology

Digitization Is Everywhere...Like it or Not

Business is getting digitized...because B2B is following B2C. We all have digital experiences as consumers - with aps, step trackers, IoT refrigerators, subscription purchases through Amazon, and more.

And our experience as consumers bleed over into our expectations for our B2B customer experiences. Oddly, though, we often firewall that from the B2B experiences we offer our prospects.

We're too small. It's too complex. It's too expensive. Our customers aren't like that.....etc.....You've heard (maybe you've said) all the justifications.

Well, it's time to change that. And it's feasible! You can meet customer expectations and improve your business in the process!

That's the bottom line of this exciting webinar that I presented on April 19th with digitalization expert Markus Rimmele.

It's free. And it's important! So grab an ice tea and watch our conversation on demand.!

🚨Watch on demand now!🚨 πŸ‘‰

Improved Customer Experience and Boosted Efficiency

The fastest service call or spare parts order is the one that never needs to occur. The second fastest is one that happens on demand, remotely.

Customers expect that speed - you know it even if you might wish it wasn't so.

This level of support sounds implausible for mid-size machinery companies, but it's not. You can deliver an amazing customer experience, boost your efficiency, and create a compelling competitive advantage for your company.

Markus will lay out, step-by-step, exactly how you do that with a particular perspective for OEMs and even US subsidiaries of German Mittelstand Maschinenbau.

And here's the thing....you don't have to build it (or even manage it!) yourself. Markus will show you how - check it out now now. 

Financial and Business Benefits

The icing on the cake is that not only does it delight your customers, impress your prospects and differentiate you from your competitors, but undertaking a digitization effort boosts your business too. In this webinar, you'll learn how Markus' model for digitization will help your company:

  • create recurring revenue streams
  • accumulate a valuable data resource from which you can create other products
  • develop opportunities for an entry sale - an initial sale that will help you gain meaningful access to competitive accounts for follow-on capital equipment sales

Imagine... attenuating the frustrating capital equipment investment cycles AND having a secret weapon to gain market share from established competitors!!

But....But....What About the Implementation Barriers?

You're right. It's too much to develop in-house. Your B2C experiences are often with F100 - companies with far more horsepower than yours.

And it's true. Customers worry about IIoT security exposure.

There are so many barriers...

  • the cost, technology, expertise and roadmap for development
  • the burden of selling it - your reps don't have that background and they're busy (maybe even struggling) selling your products
  • supporting and servicing is something you don't have bandwidth for

That's OK. Calm down and get ready to learn. Markus and I will show you how a partnership model solves for those problems and how technology addresses security concerns.


You don't have to do it yourself. There's no need to add development teams, or parallel operations, sales or service folks. You can use partnerships to launch and grow digitization programs for your customers quickly.

Partnership marketing and sales is a technique that tech and SaaS companies have used for a decade to fuel rapid growth.

Not only is it a form of channel sales, but it's a huge opportunity to start conversations (whose sales team gets to the table for enough conversations??) with prospects who aren't in the market for your machines but will be one day.

Partnerships with digitization solution providers will enhance the scope of your offerings and competitive advantage, and help you do so without having to develop, sell, and support the products yourself. And it will generate recurring revenue and new leads. That's worth saving a spot to learn about on April 19th! πŸ‘‰

Special Value for US Subsidiaries of German Machine Builders

Markus and I both have deep experience with the cross-cultural considerations of US subsidiaries of German machine builders.

We'll discuss those during this webinar, including how all OEMs can bolt on these capabilities and how US subsidiaries of German companies can navigate specific concerns of their parent companies.

If you lead an OEM based in the US, or the US daughter company of a German OEM, this webinar is for you. And if you manage sales, operations, service or finance, there's great info for you too!

 Just complete the simple form to watch now. πŸ‘‰


Markus Rimmele and Ed Marsh

Markus Rimmele

Markus Rimmele is the founder and managing principal of DigitalituM, an Atlanta-based consulting firm that helps US manufacturers implement digitization solutions. Markus is a native of Southern Germany with training 

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as a Mechatronic Technician, an Electrical Engineering degree, and an MBA. He has 20 years of expertise in engineering and manufacturing across industries, including automotive, medical device, solar energy, material handling, and packaging.


Ed Marsh Headshot

Ed Marsh is the founder of Consilium. He works with industrial manufacturers to help them improve revenue growth through improved sales performance, digital marketing, and business strategy. He's written frequently about the challenges and importance of sales CRM and marketing automation systems for capital equipment manufacturers.