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FREE eBook:
Market Selection...Where to go First (Hint...not the BRICs)

international_growth_250First, the “don’ts.” Don’t pick your targets based on the most recent article in the New York Times…(or Economist or Barron's or whatever you read.) In other words be very wary of the BRICs!

You've got an amazing opportunity - to build a whole initiative, and a global market, from scratch. Sure there's a lot to learn and you'll make mistakes. But you've got a green field!  Have fun!

Download our eBook to learn more, and see what our own Ed Marsh has to say about the BRICs.



Chock full of tips & pointers

In our eBook on market selection we'll take you through the considerations in selecting initial markets.  What's important, and what's not.  You learn about:

  • how many markets to tackle initially
  • what's an acceptable "personal reason"
  • what should never be your reason to pick a market
  • what metrics and market attributes you should consider
  • where to find the answers
  • how Uncle Sam can help
  • the value of diversification
  • and more!

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