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Free 30 Minute Consultation

Could we? Should we? Would we find value in working together?

You've built and run a business. I've got ideas and experience working with capital equipment and industrial manufactures on strategy, sales and marketing. But is there a potential fit? Will I understand your market? Will you have any interest in the kinds of ideas I'll propose?

Let's start with a conversation to take each other's measure. We'll both be able to tell pretty quickly whether my approach fits with your manufacturing strategy vision.

Let's meet for 30 minutes. We'll cover:

  • goals, what's brought you to this point, what you've tried
  • your market, buyers, products - and how each are changing
  • consequences of missing / rewards for achieving
  • your team - R&D, marketing and sales
  • good / bad consulting experiences you've had
  • order of magnitude budget
  • reasons why this might fail

I'd welcome any members of your team you'd like to include provided that:

  • you'll speak candidly in front of them
  • they are there to advise, but the meeting is run by you (GM, president, CEO)

By the end of the meeting we'll have a good sense whether we'd mesh well and I'll be clear on additional information you need from me. If we believe there's grounds for further discussion, we'll agree to a timeline for following steps.

Just jump into my calendar to the right, and take the important first step toward improving your business and revenue growth strategy to deliver the top line sales results that you need to remain vibrant.

Schedule a Meeting