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Free eBook - 13 Steps to B2B / Industrial Marketing Success

Everyone knows it.  And your gut feeling is right.

Business has changed.  Traditional B2B marketing is decreasingly effective...as in approaching completely ineffective.  But....it still works a little.

So companies without clear alternatives and those that are so busy just balancing day-to-day priorities and email inboxes just keep pushing traditional approaches harder, hoping to squeeze some results from what they know.

The sooner you acknowledge it, the sooner you can overcome it.  Let's start today!

Our eBook offers a complete overview of our incredibly effective 13 step approach to a B2B marketing transformation and revitalization.

Chock-a-block full of context, complete with action steps and worksheets, this eBook outlines the key 13 steps including:

  1. Acknowledge that there's a problem
  2. An objective look at the current state of B2B Sales & Marketing
  3. Accept that others buy differently than you
  4. Understand who buys your product/service and how
  5. Your value in the context of each product, buyer & competitor
  6. What SEO really means today (hint - it's not what you think or what some 'expert' told you!)
  7. How a 'content plan' grounds your effort
  8. Social media is a tool - even if you think it's moronic and/or only for B2C
  9. Why your website needs to live and breath like a sales rep
  10. How marketing automation makes it possible
  11. The incredible value of data - marketing will never be the same
  12. The importance of infrastructure
  13. Why you need a lifeline to make it work

For those with the courage, creativity and determination to adapt, there's a green field! 

Download this eBook today for a 'geek speak' free, step-by-step program to a remarkable B2B Marketing turnaround!