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Free report: Africa - Vast Frontier & Fast Growing Markets

africa_report_cta_300"The great thing about Africa is that there isn't any competition.  Be part of the wave!" That's how Jason Njoka, CEO of iROKO Partners, Nigeria's fastest growing internet company described Africa during the HBS Africa conference in 2012.

But you know that will change quickly.  You were probably late to the BRICs, and may have even become disillusioned with them.

Other markets have emerged, offering interesting opportunities.

But Africa.....here American SMBs have an opportunity to ride the wave.  Do you have a strategy?

It's a green field!


Download the whitepaper today to learn about this amazing opportunity


It's a continent...not a country

Africa seems to be so far removed from the markets where American companies prosper.

But it is rapidly emerging - and may be the last real 'emerging market'

Did you realize that Africa has:

  • 47-56 countries
  • 2-3,000 languages
  • approx. 3,000 tribes
  • approx. 42 currencies
  • 6 time zones
  • 1 BN residents
  • 500M mobile phones
  • approx 50% of the population is under 20 years of age

Download the Africa Report whitepaper